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The METAMINDS project (Metacognition in European Teaching: Activating Minds Through the Implementation of New Development Strategies) involves  7 Primary/ Lower secondary schools from 7 different European countries (IT, DK, GR, LT, PT, SP, UK) in a strategic partnership within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 action.

It focuses on a series of relevant issues affecting education institutions today and is meant to address them by creating a training opportunity for both teachers and pupils.

What are today’s major challenges in Education? Are teachers and learners always aware of all the methods and ingredients they have at hand to create educational success? Some of them are natural master chefs and they just know, almost instinctively, the right recipe. However, in such an increasingly complex and challenging context like today's, lots of teachers and learners experience frustration and a sense of failure.

Fostering metacognitive teaching/learning strategies to help teachers become more flexible, make pupils aware of their role of learners and improving transversal skills such as learning-to learn can tackle the root cause of problems such as:  teachers'  difficulties to adapt their teaching styles to pupils’ changed attitudes, to the introduction of ITC classroom and to mixed abilities classes; pupils  lacking motivation and self confidence, and experiencing repeated school failure.

To this aim, METAMINDS propose to carry out a two-fold action addressed at teachers and pupils (10-14 years of age) at the same time, with the aim of introducing/enhancing metacognitive strategies. A pilot teacher training on metacognition(O1), to be spread through peer-to-peer training, and a pupil learning-to-learn module (O2) are being devised, pilot tested, assessed and disseminated inside the partner institutions and outside as on-line course through this website.

The project is expected to increase teacher awareness of metacognitive strategies to be adopted in daily teaching and to improve pupils’ learning-to-learn skills and motivation.




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